Recipe: Appetizing Paneer pizza

Paneer pizza.

Paneer pizza You can have Paneer pizza using 15 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Paneer pizza

  1. Prepare of maida/All-purpose Flour.
  2. Prepare of curd.
  3. You need of Water.
  4. Prepare of Salt.
  5. You need of Chilli flakes.
  6. Prepare of Chopped paneer.
  7. It's of chopped onion.
  8. It's of baking powder.
  9. Prepare of baking soda.
  10. It's of chopped capsicum.
  11. It's of chopped tomato.
  12. It's of chopped carrot.
  13. It's of Tomato sauce.
  14. You need of grated cheese.
  15. Prepare of oil.

Paneer pizza instructions

  1. Take a bowl mix the ingredient to make a soft dough using water and oil take it rest for 30 mins mix the veggies and grated cheese paneer and spices to make the toping of the pizza.
  2. After then make round balls from the dough give it round shape from a rolling pin put all the veggies and grated cheese and paneer on the top.
  3. Grease oven tray set the timer for 10 mins bake it check it from a knife it is properly baked or not take it out.
  4. Serve it hot with sauce and enjoy.
